The terms Internet What You Should Know

The terms Internet Should You Know - You may have heard or read a word that you think it strange, or just heard, especially English, may of you have continued to read or want to know the meaning of the word means, but do not worry I will provide information about the terms of the internet is arguably often spoken or frequently spoken.

therefore we are required to know the terms of the term with the times and technology seiringnya will definitely banya term terms that must be understood.

The following terms are Internet Should You Know

CGI / Perl
computer language used to create interactive programs on a webpage. Developed by computer users UNIX / LINUX.
Chat specific terms that are used to perform an interaction in chat program which is a program that is implemented in a computer network (internet) used by the user to send and receive messages in written form (the type) in realtime (ideally no waiting time ).
facilities in the Internet to communicate with fellow Internet users who are online, interaction can be either text or voice
a computer in charge of receiving the data and information that has been processed by the server that is required by the user. Client usually controlled or used by a user.
clash of the data
collide (unusual for software)
Cut, if cut it for example when copying data A and B Data Stored on it that will Missing Data A.
database, or database
the type of internet connection by using the telephone network.
Dial-Up Networking
network facilities owned by the Microsoft Windows operating system that can be used to make a Dial-Up connection, that the network connection, either a computer network or the Internet, using a telephone network facilities.
DNS (Domain Name Service)
A service on the internet to the network using TCP / IP. This service is used to identify a computer by name rather than by using the IP address (IP Address) is a special and unique name that is used for naming web sites on the internet.
making process or transfer files from an Internet web site (host or server) to another storage media contained in the client computer.
domain name
special and unique name that is used for naming web sites on the internet., can be .com,, .net, etc.
E-Coomerce (Electronic Commerce)
business transactions are conducted with the help of computer networks online. The transaction is the seller and the purchase of goods and services as well as payments made pass through digital communications. Technologies used include Internet and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
(Elektronic Mail) or electronic mail is a program that is implemented in a computer network (including the internet) used by the user to send a message in written form (type) or images to other users inside or outside the computer network. Users can also receive (receive e-mail), reply (reply e-mail) and forward (forward e-mail) to other users.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
a collection of frequently asked questions and answers
Finger Protocol
to find out information on a user on a computer
Computer security applications from hacking activity
Bulletin board
bulletin board
Search or surf directly in the internet / cyberspace, usually to seek information
Browser or explorer is the abbreviation for the term Web Browser. Software browser is used for surfing (surf the Internet) or a program that is used to access the World Wide Web (or Internet), and other amenities. Currently there are a number of popular browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, and Mozilla.
wideband or broadband
media information in the form of image / images to serve display ads on a webpage.
Quantity that indicates how much data can be passed on through a network connection.
ASP (Active Server Pages)
is a specification to create dynamic Web pages using ActiveX script. When the browser opens the page ASP, Web servers create a page with HTML code and sends it to the browser.
Anonymous FTP
FTP site that can be accessed without having a specific login.
ADSL (Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line)
A type of DSL where the upstream and downstream runs at different speeds.
The raging person against another person via the Internet. Flame generally leveled against those who violate decency
Forward (e-mail)
An on-line system that is free
Software is provided free to be downloaded and used free of charge by Internet users
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
is the Internet protocol used to copy files between computers
Do a search with Google Search engine.
is an expert in the field of computers, the Internet in particular, where the expertise can penetrate, destroy, and doing things that are not desirable in a computer network (including the internet). For example damaging existing website, destructive program that has been created by the webmaster, or administrator
Home Page
The initial appearance of a website containing information or a brief description of what the contents of the website
can be interpreted as a broad and large computer networks worldwide, which connects computer users from one country to another across the world, which included a variety of information resources ranging from static to dynamic and interactive.
 (Short-networking interconnection) is a global system of an entire network of computers connected together using the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP / IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. When the Internet (the letter 'I' large) is a common computer system, which connect globally and using TCP / IP as the protocol of packet switching (packet switching communication protocol). The largest Internet circuit called the Internet. How to connect the circuit with kaedah is called internetworking.
 signal interference (associated with the wireless signal)
 Hidden relationship between HTML documents on a WEB server, usually appear underlined format.
a set of words in HTML documents that have a relationship (link) with another HTML document.
Http: //
http or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a code that is written at the start site, to explain the program WebBrowser that protocol (interface) that is used is http
Hyper Text Markup Language, is a computer language used to create a page and a webpage forma standard for document Hypertext
Log in / log-in / log on / log on
on = enter, log on = authorization performed by a user by entering a username and password on a network computer (including the Internet), the interaction program, or electronic mail (e-mail) together with a sign-in
link, hook, linkage, links
Internet Service Provider, is the institution / agency / company that provides Internet network service providers.
information resources that are used for internal purposes of an agency or company by using the existing computer network.
Internet TV
a TV that is modified to be used as a medium / tool to communicate and interact over the internet.
Internet Explorer
computer program used to display pages that exist on a website on the internet, made by Microsoft Corp.
Internet Service Provider
Internet service providers
Online or on line
 connect, connect, online (in the network)
off line
not connected, disconnected, offline (off-line)
news groups, discussion groups
Netscape Navigator
a computer program used to be menampilkanhalaman-existing pages on a website on the internet, made by NetscapeCorp.6
is an additional communication tool that is used by the computer or notebookagar can connect with other computer networks, eg internet
Malware (Malicious Software)
Programs that usually digunakanuntuk find the weaknesses of a software and generally wreak havoc on your dalamkomputer software
mailing List
E-mail facility Internet, where users register themselves kesuatu dafat shipping list E-mail to a particular topic, so that users automatically get a shipment akansecara E-mail of each member Mailing List Manager
search engine on the Internet that can be used by the user to mencari.http: //
Logoff / logout / log out / log off
walking, log = out, log of = not resume or out of a computer networks (including the Internet), the interaction program, or electronic mail (e-mail) together with a sign out.
is a collection of commands that are arranged in a specific computer language (Java, VisualBasic, CGI / Perl) to perform an interactive or animated program dalamsebuah webpage.
preview, preview, preview
A set of rules that determine how the two computers or lebihsaling communicate
is a special program that can be added at webbrowserdimana program can help webbrowser to display animation, programinteraksi, 3D objects, a particular well.
Crime on the internet that trick victims denganmembuat a site similar to the original to get the victim's personal information.
paste or glue
phrase password, passphrase
the secret code used by the user to be able to authorize the username does he have to be semasuki a computer network (termasukinternet), interaction program, or electronic mail (e-mail)

That's terms Internet Should You Know
May be useful

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