Understanding What is PageRank and Benefits

Understanding Google PageRank
Google Pagerank is a benchmark tool for measuring the significance and importance of a web page in the internet world. Google Page Rank (or so-called PR) was originally developed by Larry Page, co-owner Google, the algorithm PageRank has changed over the years as most of Google's algorithm, even an algorithm of a PR is a public secret that is well maintained, and when tau also definitely Complicated algorithms.

The use of Google PageRank?

Google PageRank can be used to see whether a page has authority over its content, the higher the page rank, the higher the quality and authority of other web pages. A page rank of 5 (PR 5) means that the web page has a strong hold on the content that is in it, while the page rank of 2 means that the page was only a source of information that is unusual and does not have a high quality with the information contained therein , the web / blog is still new normally not have a pagerank (PR N / A).

How is PageRank Calculated?

In this context, we can only guess at the factors that make up the Google PageRank. But it is generally known that the most important factor of PageRank Google is links from other websites related (dofollow links that are relevant, not nofollow), the higher the page rank of a web page that links to you, the higher the page rank you are, and also increasingly many number of web pages that link to you will also increase your page rank. The purpose of the dofollow links relevant are links that are relevant to what is on your web page, for example, web or blog theme / discuss about computers then you should find dofollow link from another website with the theme of the computer, do not look for a link with the theme about music, health, etc which is not in accordance with what you discuss in your website / blog

Some other factors that may affect Google Pagerank

Ø    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly
Ø   Social Networking
Ø   Comments
Ø   Time on Page (how long visitors dwell on web pages)
Ø   Bounce Rate (percentage of visitors in and out of web pages)

Are High PR Will Better On Search Results Page (SERP / Search Engine Result Page)?

A higher Google PageRank will definitely help you in the SERP and indexed faster, but it does not necessarily mean that the higher your page rank will be better in the search results. There are other things that go into the calculation of Google to decide which pages to get high rankings in search engines. A high Google PageRank will definitely help but it's not everything to decide the web you will get in first position on search 

When Google PageRank obtained?

Google pagerank will usually be updated every 3 months or 4 times a year, try to make an interesting article for your website, look for the link dofollow relevant websites / blogs or other sources that have a higher ranking of your website, do not look for the link too much in a short time because Google will suspect your website (caution ..Google is very strict with web spam), updates the web / blog with fresh and interestingcontent then gradually Google will trust your website and also pagerank what you get.
To check the PageRank of your website please go to the site PRChecker

Hopefully these tips can help friends and companions Fathonan Blogger.

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